Friday, April 29, 2016

With Every Ending Comes a New Beginning

Dear Higher Laws Family,

I love you guys so much.  You've been an incredible family to be with, and will always be.  I do care about each of you.  

I want to clearly let everyone know that I'll be transitioning out of Higher Laws after the Master Your Power Within event in June (i.e. I will no longer be working directly with Higher Laws).  This by no means has been an easy decision.  Everyone on the team are my best friends.  And like Brandon has said, "We share a special bond from the principles that bind us together."

Brandon and I are parting still as the best of friends and with tremendous support for each other.  He's been a real valiant friend, patient with my weaknesses, and willing to get back up fast when he's made mistakes too.  I'll always cherish my time with Him and I'm excited for the bright future of what Higher Laws will become.    

Long story short, as I was studying, I received inspiration from my Creator, He's told me it's time to begin a new path to continue become even more of the Lion He wants me to be.  Higher Laws is and will always continue to help me become a Lion, and I'm confident my Creator will open a door that will fulfill His promise of my growth and progression.  I trust this inspiration to transition from Higher Laws.  I carry a feeling of peace that gives me confidence that this decision is with "no regrets."

However you might be responding to this, please be aware that my decision is very intentional and I am at peace with this decision.  I am excited for a new journey to begin.

I'll still be coming to the events!  I'll most likely either show up in Calgary or Edmonton, but even if you don't see me, I promise I'll always keep my crazy dance moves alive, R-Hawk will still live on :-) - and I'll post those dance moves on Facebook every now and then  ;-).

I honestly have nothing clearly that I'm transitioning to right now, but I trust that the stepping stone my Creator wants me to step on will appear, as long as I'm putting in the belief and the effort.  Everything will work out.  

Thank you for the inspiration each of you have been to me in living these principles and being a friend.  Your example inspires me.  I feel motivated to step it up and keep striving for valiance.

I love each of you, I can picture some of your faces right now, and I feel a warmth and bond with each of you.  Thank you for choosing to step into your Lion.  I am uplifted from your striving too.

The most important thing is that wherever we connect or see each other again, my hope is that we'll all still be striving valiantly to Be Lion's, Live Like Lions, and uplifting those who need our light.  I've committed to myself that "I will" do that.  

If you want to connect with me, just send me a message on Facebook or email me at, I'll be happy to keep in touch with all of you.

Lots of love for each one of you,

Rory :-)

Brandon and I just before we went skydiving
Lol, we both thought at 14,000 ft, "We didn't buy insurance for this!!"

Higher Laws Family at U303 St. George, Utah April 2016

Love you guys!!!

Monday, April 11, 2016

What Winners REALLY Think About Their Comfort Zones

On September 3, 1939 at 11:15am Neville Chamberlain, then Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, declared a state of war between them and Germany.  

Immediately, when the war was declared, the mindset of the entire country was disrupted.   It was a life-and-death win-or-lose game.  No one in that country felt safe or secure.  

While on a volunteer mission in England, I spoke with an older woman that lived through that era.  I called her "Grandma Betty", she said to me relating the atmosphere of that experience:

"I remember us erecting cardboard buildings and tanks to deceive the enemy's photo-airplane spies that we were stronger than we actually looked.  We rationed food.  Sirens of the enemy planes approaching were a daily experience.  One day my childhood friend walking home from school got killed under fire from the fighter jets, it was a very uncertain time, but we did whatever it took to make it."

Because she and everyone on that little island chose to take action (whether compelled to or not) to protect their family, freedom, and faith, they Won World War II.  They won.

Why do I share this?

Because the other night, I listened to a lady, Marcie Whalen who had achieved financial freedom, declare 

"Comfort zones are the enemy!" 

(Def of Comfort Zone: a place or situation where one feels safe or at ease and without stress)

It was her own declaration of war again the enemy of success.  

It inspired me, because it made me remember:

- It's more comfortable to work on the computer than to call to serve a stranger
- It's more comfortable to stay at home than make a community presentation
- It's more comfortable to hold back my inner voice than to be vocally honest about what's wrong

Now some will say, "What's wrong with being comfortable?"

(Please don't confuse material comforts with a mindset of not taking action to become the best we can be.)  

I would simply say, "Is being comfortable the life you want to live?  If so, think comfortably.  Stay in your comfort zones.  Being uncomfortable to enjoy an even greater life isn't for everyone."  

That being said, I know from my own experience, that the Universe will create circumstances in my life where I'll get to a point of saying "This really sucks.  I need to change if I want this to change."  I count this moment as one of the biggest challenges/blessings of my life.

I believe the Universe has a vested interest in us becoming the best we could ever be.  And will provide an appropriate environment that will motivate us to "step-it-up" in whatever area we're struggling in.  This might come in the form of an unexpected financial bill, a speeding ticket, conflict in a relationship, personal doubt, a family member's health failing, and the list goes on and on.

My friend Brandon Broadwater at the Master Your Power Within 3 Day event shares about another layer that I found hugely revealing about comfort zones.

On a flipchart, he drew stepping stones.  And the little space in between those stepping stones represent what he calls "The Edge".  The moment when a person decides to step or not step over the edge can be compared to any epic, climatic movie battle scene where the forces of darkness and light clash.  Except, that instead of swords wailing, lasers firing, and battle-cries screaming, this is, a battle of beliefs.

“It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.” ~Sir Edmund Hillary, Among the 1st Climbers to Reach Mount Everest

Those moments when I've ultimately achieved the dreams that I've desired have always required I be uncomfortable.

Before I was married, I was super uncomfortable with hand shaking with every number I dialed calling girls and asking them for dates.
Before I having finding a professional singing coach that works NBC's "The Voice", I was super uncomfortable believing, "Am I deserving of this relationship?  What if she says no?"
Before I made my 1st sale I had to fight through the mindset of "What if they don't buy?  What if they reject me?"

Here's the irony.  For a pinch of discomfort, and taking a moment of action consistently, there is a lifetime of rewards.  Because it's not just a moment, it's a habit.  It becomes the new normal, the new way of life.

My challenge to you is to find one thing that you're uncomfortable doing that you know the "best you" would do, and do it every single day.  That's my life resolution.

Love you all,

Have fun being uncomfortable, I look forward to your stories.

PS - Here's some of my favourite quotes of winners that I look up to below:

"If we are not a little bit uncomfortable every day, we're not growing.  All the good stuff is outside our comfort zone." - Jack Canfield, Top U.S. Self-Development Leader

"There is no passion to be found playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capably of living." - Nelson Mandela, Civil Rights Activist

"As you move outside of your comfort zone, what was once the unknown and frightening becomes your new normal." - Robin D. Sharma, Leadership Guru

"I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed." - Michael Jordan, Professional NBA and MVP Basketball Player

"Decide that you want it more than you are afraid of it."

"Great things never came from comfort zones" - Anonymous

"People that live inside their heads have a lot of unnecessary pain.  The solution is to live in the present." - Brandon Broadwater

"You'll always miss 100% of the shots you don't take." - Wayne Gretzky, NHL Hockey Player

"The ultimate comfort zone is within" - Oprah Winfrey

"If you want a muscle to grow, you must life something out of your comfort zone.  Push beyond what is comfortable, if you don't there will be no growth." - Tony Robbins

"If you can keep playing tennis when somebody is shooting a gun down the strength, that's concentration and ultimately being in the flow." - Serena Williams, Champion Tennis Player

"If you want something you've never had, you must be willing to do something you've never done." - Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States

"If you are on the right path, it will always be uphill." - Henry B. Eyring, World Religion Leader

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Why Forgetting Is Your Best Reminder To Success

Have you ever forgot something so little that it hinged a result?  Like, maybe it was forgetting to set the alarm clark only to wake up two laters than intended?  Or turn off the lights in your car to turn the ignition and joyfully discover a dead battery?  Or calendar an appointment with someone from 2 weeks ago, only to look at your phone and discover the words "Where are you"?

One of my friends who was a car mechanic, told me a wild story of a young newly employed tire jockey, responsible for loosening and tightening tire lug nuts.  The job was simple:  loosen the tires, retighten them after maintenance.  Though equipped with an expensive high-powered drill, someone in the garage shouted something to him mid-job, where he momentarily lost focus, forgot the lug nuts on one tire, and being pressured for time, rushed over to the next one, without inspecting.  Though the one car wheel had the outward appearance of being bolted on, all four lug nuts on one tire were loose!

As the customer with receipt in hand, expecting high-performance service, began to drive their car down the road.  As the car gained momentum, the driver noticed a difference as he turned the wheel, with the car wobbling back and forth, the car nose dropped.  The front left side of the vehicle *CREEEEEEKKKK*-ing metal along road, sparks flying, and the lost control - confused, frightened, shocked all at once.

I can relate to the young tire jockey.

I remember when finances for my little family were intensely tight, I told myself in a moment, "I'll work really really hard, and then when I've made loads of money, then, I'll enjoy time with my family."

Sounds ridiculous right?  But I was so motivated by the pain of not having money, that I thought focusing on the money would give me time.

I believed this so much I forgot to make time for the most meaningful people in my life.  Things gradually changed from okay to worse.  I felt like roommates with my wife, I shuddered to look at my bank account, and the menial daily tasks became a drudgery.  It was brutal.  I needed help was hungry for answers.

After doing one thing, that I learned at an event, everything began to shift.  Not only did things shift financially I was happier, my wife felt loved, and I experienced tender moments with my baby daughter smiling.  Business opportunities improved and I actually became a sales leader and eventually landed a dream job position!  Things became easier and life a lot more simpler.  I remember saying to myself, "I know exactly what I need to do to make things right!"  The money came, I felt a refreshed energy of love in my relationships, and most important, I was happy.

What made the difference?

My lesson was this quote,

"Most people don't have time management problems, they have priority or state management problems." - Brandon Broadwater

When I heard it, I knew it, but I had forgotten.  And having forgotten and experienced tremendous pain, motivated me to remember.  I refocused on my relationship priorities and taking care of me and the magic unfolded.

But then I asked: How could I replicate this recovery of having forgotten something to predictable results?

One of my friends asked me a profound question when I shared with her a goal I wanted to achieve.  She didn't know it, but it would change the course with my entire life.  The most painful parts of my life didn't need to be repeated, and I could continually improve and build upon that improvement without forgetting it.  It's made me thousands of dollars, built invaluable relationships, and most important, I feel like it's helping me live my dreams:

"What's your plan to remember Rory?"

I wanted to leverage those moments when I forgot into a process that would not only help me remember but take action so that I could enjoy repeated, replictable results!  If I could be predictably strong in an area of weakness, would I not invest a few minutes for a lifetime of results!?

The Process is 4 simple and effectively easy points:

1) Remember - How can I make this goal, dream, or result easy to remember?  How can I almost trip over it so it's impossible to forget?

2) Prioritizing - Why do I deeply want this?  What am I going to do to prioritize it?  How will I prioritize it?

3) Plan/Process - What is my road map to get to this goal?  What does each step look like to achieve it?  What tools do I need?  Who can I ask for help?

4) Execute - What is my first action step?  When will I execute it?  Who can I ask to help me stay accountable to it?

What would life look like if you could remember the things that matter most and achieved them?

What would life look like if you were cleary confident with your dreams each day?

How would that feel?

I promise the investment of time will allow you to take all the forgetful moments and transform them into opportunities to serve yourself and those you most care about, whether family, customers, friends, or your dreams.

Good luck with the next step!

If you’d like to learn more about what Higher Laws Training is like click here

If you’d like to contact me and connect you can email me at

If you’re local to Calgary, AB area and want to attend a Meetup Group I run click here

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

One Awesome Lesson That Rocked My Results!

Have you ever gotten distracted by something so little?  Maybe it was a funny Facebook photo or a compelling YouTube video?  Did it take you off on a tangent that lasted 5 minutes, then 10, then an hour?  Only to come back wondering where you were?

You're not alone.

I remember being so frustrated with the amount of time I would lose, I thought to myself:

"If I don't change something, I won't survive as a business owner."

This meant not providing for my family, this meant no bright futures or vacations we were planning as a family, and believe me I was motivated!  It would also affect some performance incentives and I would feel the consequences hard, and have to account to my wife for why we couldn't buy certain items we were looking forward to... not a fun conversation.

So while I was listening to a Higher Laws Coaching Call, I remember Brandon Broadwater was sharing about the importance of a principle, so critical, only winners and the highest performance individuals on earth understand this to a tee.  It's called "State" or a person's emotional condition, you can feel defeated and blaming the world, or ready to rock the day and enjoy the juice out of life.

Brandon described how in life we go through periods of opposition, similar to a gauntlet (the traditional definition being: "a double file of persons facing each other and armed with clubs or other weapons with which to strike at an individual who is made to run between them" - ouch!).  The gauntlet of life hurts, and sometimes not of our choosing, but when we get hit how do we respond after being clubbed in the face? 

When I was focused on my computer and I could hear children screaming and crying, or when my one headphone ear piece stopped working in the middle of my workday, or when I got floods of emails and text messages, this one lesson gave me the power to press forward and hit my goals.

What was it?

It was this:

"If I don't MANAGE my STATE, my Circumstances will."

I realized that I was giving my power of choice to my circumstances.  I was giving the control of how I felt to the people or events around me.  Though they definitely influenced me, and it still impacted me, it was crystal clear to me, that I could respond with a different choice.

If there was news about war in Ukraine, I could choose to send a text of admiration to a friend

If my children broke another drinking glass, I could read them one of their favorite stories

If I was feeling like the left over food scraps in a high-speed garbarator, I could ask a friend for help, and literally say, "Hey man, I'm having a really rough day, could you listen for a couple minutes?"

I decided I wasn't going to allow trivial, temporary circumstances to determine my destiny.  And in that day alone, I tripled my work output that I had originally planned, and was emotionally available for my wife and kids when they needed me.

I know that each of us has the power to manage our States if we simple desire it.  State is one of those four primary laws I learned at the Answer To Everything 3 Day event seminar on which prosperity lies on the balance.  I will always hold it as a priority to success for those things closest to my heart - dear relationships, my integrity, and my capacity.

What's one thing you do to awesomely manage your emotional state?  Please share your comments, I love to learn from you.

Thanks Brandon!

If you’d like to learn more about what Higher Laws Training is like click here

If you’d like to contact me and connect you can email me at

If you’re local to Calgary, AB area and want to attend a Meetup Group I run click here